Getting Lazy with Erlang
I’ve recently been playing around with Haskell again, and not only am I impressed by how natural recursive structures seem within the language - the ease with which you define them is even more impressive.
For the uninitiated, Haskell has a list data type that is lazily evaluated. That is, elements of the list are only evaluated if they’re needed to continue the computation. This allows you to do all sorts of neat things like create an infinite list of integers or build a list that refers to itself.
-- Create an infinite list of integers
integers = [1..]
-- Filter out the odd values
isOdd = (> 0) . (flip mod 2)
odds = filter isOdd integers
-- Map them to squares
odd_squares = map (^2) odds
-- Take the first 10 from this list.
-- This is when the list actually gets evaluated.
-- firstTen = [1,9,25,49,81,121,169,225,289,361]
firstTen = take 10 odd_squares
In my day-to-day I’m programming Erlang, which doesn’t have the concept of lazy-evaluation baked right in from the start. In Erlang lists are strictly (or eagerly) evaluated, so the above breaks down pretty much right away.
%% Create an infinite list of integers
%% integers() ->
%% ???
We can’t even express the original list of integers with erlang’s built-in lists. So how can we get something like what we have in Haskell?
Funs as Contexts
If we take a quick look around, it’s apparent that functions themselves are lazy by nature - they let you pass around blocks of code as data. Wrapping a value in a lambda only evaluates that value when the lambda is called:
1> io:format("Hey!\n").
2> F = fun() -> io:format("Hey!"\n) end.
3> F().
We can use this to build our lazy lists in Erlang, we’ll call them streams. 1
You can think of streams as specific types of functions. They need to return the next value in the stream, if any, otherwise signal that we’ve reached the end. This leads to a particularly elegant type definition:
-type stream(A) :: fun(() -> halt | {A, stream(A)}.
If the stream returns halt
, we know we’ve reached the end. Otherwise we get our next value along with a new stream for continuing iteration.
Building our first stream
First of all, let’s wrap up actual function calls to our stream with the function `yield/1’.
-spec yield(Stream :: stream(A)) -> halt | {A, stream(A)}.
yield(F) when is_function(F) -> F().
This might seem like an unnecessary level of indirection, but its usefulness will become apparent later. Now let’s get to work! We’ll begin by creating our list of integers.
-spec naturals() -> stream(integer()).
naturals() -> naturals(0).
-spec naturals(integer()) -> stream(integer()).
fun() ->
{N, naturals(N + 1)}
Easy! The stream of natural numbers starting at N
is followed by the stream starting at N + 1
. Notice that our naturals/1
stream is infinite, as it unconditionally refers to itself. Since our recursive call is wrapped up neatly in a fun
, we can express this definition without fear of an infinite loop. We can check that it works as expected in the repl.
1> c(streams).
{ok, streams}
2> Ns = naturals().
3> {_, Ns2} = yield(Ns).
{0, #Fun<streams.2.68943458>}
4> {_, Ns3} = yield(Ns2).
{1, #Fun<streams.2.68943458>}
5> {_, Ns4} = yield(Ns3).
{2, #Fun<streams.2.68943458>}
As you can see on the right-hand side, we are indeed getting back 0, 1, 2
as we repeatedly call yield
Stream Transformers
Now that we have our infinite stream of integers, we need to be able to transform this stream in a list-like fashion. Erlang provides higher-order functions such as lists:map/2
and lists:filter/2
to manipulate and transform its lists. We’ll define the same for streams.
Implementing map/2
is pretty straightforward. Like before we can express map quite nicely with a recursive call. If we have elements in the original stream, we immediately apply Fun
to the next element while returning the mapped “tail”, otherwise we halt.
map(Fun, Stream) ->
fun() ->
case yield(Stream) of
{X, Xs} -> {Fun(X), map(Fun, Xs)};
halt -> halt
is a bit trickier, can you think of the reason?
filter(Pred, Stream) ->
fun() -> do_filter(Pred, Stream) end.
do_filter(Pred, Stream) ->
case yield(Stream) of
{X, Xs} ->
case Pred(X) of
true -> {X, filter(Fun, Xs)};
false -> do_filter(Fun, Xs)
halt -> halt
Unlike map
, filter can contain less elements than the original stream, which means we need a way of skipping elements. To get around this, we define a helper do_filter
as the eagerly-evaluated innards of our lazy stream. If the predicate function returns true, everything fine and dandy and we can recursively call filter like before.
If it’s false, however, we need to call do_filter
which will evaluate immediately. This should be expected - after all, the whole point of lazy evaluation is to only perform computation when needed, and we need to continue to the next element.
Forcing Evaluation
Now that we can define and transform our stream, we need to be able to evaluate it. Otherwise it wouldn’t serve much use, would it? We’ll define a helper, to_list/1
that repeated yield
s elements into a list until we reach the end of the stream:
-spec to_list(stream(A)) -> list(A).
to_list(Stream) -> to_list(Stream, []).
to_list(Stream, Acc) ->
case yield(Stream) of
{X, Xs} -> to_list(Xs, [X|Acc])
halt -> lists:reverse(Acc);
However this alone isn’t enough to perform our computation. Up until now our stream has been infinite. If we called to_list
on our stream now, we’d continue yield
ing elements until we ran out of memory.
1> streams:to_list(streams:naturals()).
(Hangs forever...)
Let’s handle this by defining a way of limiting our stream to a finite length:
-spec take(integer(), stream(A)) -> stream(A).
take(N, Stream) when N >= 0 ->
fun() ->
case yield(Stream) of
{X, Xs} ->
case N of
0 -> halt;
_ -> {X, take(N - 1, Xs)}.
halt -> halt;
While take/2
is still recursive, notice that this time there’s a base case in the recursion. If we’re taking 0
elements, then there isn’t anything to take at all! With that out of the way, we can finally replicate the Haskell example from earlier:
OddIntegers = streams:filter(fun(N) -> mod(N, 2) > 0 end, streams:naturals()),
OddSquares = streams:map(fun(N) -> N * N end, OddIntegers),
Take10 = streams:take(10, OddSquares),
%% > [1,9,25,49,81,121,169,225,289,361]
Yielding from Lists
As a bonus, we can easily add a case to yield/1
that lets us use streams and lists interchangeably.
-spec yield(Stream :: stream(A)) -> halt | {A, stream(A)}.
yield(F) when is_function(F) -> F().
yield([X|Xs]) -> {X, Xs};
yield([]) -> halt.
In this way, we can think of lists as their own type of stream. This is why we included the level of indirection with yield
. It acts as a simple interface - by adding additional function heads we can extend the notion of a stream to any iterable structure. This is quite powerful, as it lets us mix-and-match these structures whenever we want. 2
Until next time
We’ve seen that while infinite streams are certainly a useful tool to have as a first-class feature, they’re easily expressible through the power of simple functions. There are more complex examples of stream transformers and combinators available, but I’ll leave those for another time. If you’re curious or want to play around with them right now, all of the above (and more!) is available on my github.
- Those of you more familiar with the erlang ecosystem will know that I shamelessly took this from the excellent Stream module found in Elixir. [return]
- This idea is used to great effect in Elixir with its Enumerable protocol, and its notion of protocols in general. [return]